The National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises (FNGCIMM) announces that it is ready to start the First House program 2018, after the Government has approved the Decision on the allocation of the guarantee ceiling that can be issued for 2018, the ceiling allocated of 2 billion lei .
In its capacity as representative of the Romanian state through the Ministry of Public Finance, the National Credit Guarantee Fund for Small and Medium Enterprises will initiate in the legal term the procedure of annual evaluation of the use of the guarantee ceilings by the participating financers (participating banks) in within the framework of the Prima Casa 2018 program.
The distribution of the ceiling of 2 billion lei allocated to 2018 and the setting of the approved limits available to the financiers will take place during February 2018 and will be carried out by the FNGCIMM, with the agreement of the Ministry of Public Finance, after passing the preparation phase of the annual evaluation, namely after the expiration of the term of 15 days from the date of publication of the Decision approved in the Government meeting of 10.01.2018 in the Official Monitor, in which the financiers participating in the First House Program are invited to submit to FNGCIMM their requests for allocation of limits from the total ceiling allocated for the year 2018, as well as the necessary reports for the annual evaluation.
The Prima Casa 2018 program benefits from a series of optimizations with a positive impact on the distribution of the allocated ceiling, reflected by the criteria to be applied in the evaluation process of the activity carried out by the financers during the year 2017. Starting from the degree of use of the guarantee ceilings. allocated to each financier in 2017, this year, for the first time compared to previous years, in the annual evaluation procedure that FNGCIMM will carry out in order to formulate the distribution proposal among the financiers participating in the First House Program of the total ceiling allocated for the year 2018 will be applied objective criteria for evaluating the activity of the financers from 2017.
Thus, in addition to the main criterion of the ratio between the results obtained in the mortgage lending activity of the partner banks in the program and in the specific activity of the Prima Casa Program in 2017, the indicators reflecting the quality of the loan portfolio guaranteed under the Prima Casa Program will be considered. and the quality of the documentation sent for analysis to FNGCIMM in order to provide guarantees or guarantee promises.
„The Prima Casa program has gained notoriety during the 8 years of existence, and the changes launched with the approval of the ceiling for 2018 reflect the permanent concern about increasing the degree of objectivity and the quality of the processes, which have the immediate impact of optimizing the requests for beneficiaries. Within FNGCIMM, we paid special attention to the potential of automation and digitization, improving and transparent the operational flows, in order to meet the needs of the beneficiaries. The Prima Casa program thus becomes an opportunity to finance a home for the beneficiaries with limited options in the mortgage market, a flexible alternative to the mortgage lending products in the portfolios of the financing banks, '' said Alexandru Petrescu, general manager of FNGCIMM.
The beneficiaries of the First House program can borrow up to 66,000 euros for new homes and 54,000 euros for old homes, with a 5% advance. Interest on loans granted in case of housing construction will decrease from 2.5% to 2% plus ROBOR over three months. Interest on loans for home purchase will remain at the same level of 2% plus ROBOR for three months. This year FNGCIMM has a new online portal, where there is a query area, and the beneficiaries can thus find out in real time where the file is and if there are problems in processing and evaluation.
Magnolia Residence Sibiu continues to accept the purchase of housing through the program "Prima Casa" and in 2018, it is possible to make reservations for apartments in the construction phase, with an advance of at least 5% of the sale price.
Magnolia Residence Sibiu offers for sale apartments tabulated and in the process of being tabulated, completely finished with the turnkey, and the availability and sale prices can be found on this link http://www.magnoliaresidence.ro/availibilitats. The sales agents within the group can offer you free banking consultancy in order to obtain a bank loan.
For the buildings under construction, some partner banks "Prima Casa" offer the possibility of applying a guarantee promise for a contracted building, even if it is in the construction phase, with a term of completion of maximum 18 months.